• content importance in SEO

    Why Good Content Is Necessary For SEO

    Businesses today are in such tight competition against each other that many enterprises take advantage of technological advancements to drive and enhance their business strategies. This starts primarily with developing a strong online presence and establishing clear communications with your customers. This can be achieved by building a captivating website that doesn’t only look good, but also has valuable content. The content of a website can provide your prospects and customers with information, and can also be used to tell search engines about your site’s purpose and offerings. This is why business owners should always optimize their website in a way that search engines understand what it’s about. By doing…

  • Google Sandbox Effect
    Blogging,  SEO

    Google Sandbox : Why Google Hate New Websites?

    Did you start a blog recently? and facing the issue of google indexing?  I mean your blog is not getting ranked in the search engine results. Maybe that’s the Sandbox effect. Do you know What is Google Sandbox? Probably not. What is Google Sandbox? Google Sandbox is a belief that It’s a filter of Google for new websites that prevent the new websites from getting ranked in the search engine top results. It is assumed that Google doesn’t want to rank new websites with low authority in top results. You can relate it to an intern who’s working in a company as a trial. If he/she performs well, they get…

  • Blogging

    Why Should You Consider Investing in Multiple Websites?

    Have you ever invested in an SEO strategy that simply didn’t seem to work? Or maybe your current one takes too much of your valuable time that can be used on other important tasks?  If none of the white-hat SEO strategies seem to get any worthy results, or you’re wasting too much time, implementing grey-hat SEO techniques is something worth considering. While white-hat SEO techniques are fully accepted by Google’s guidelines, grey-hat SEO techniques are somehow questioned when it comes to their legitimacy. However, grey-hat SEO is way more effective and it’ll take you a shorter period of time to get to Google’s first page. That’s the reason why many…

  • SEO Guide

    What Is Search Engine Optimization? Guide For Beginners

    So, you are into Internet Marketing? Or maybe, you are just a newbie looking for a proper guide in starting your work. Search Engine Optimization– also abbreviated as SEO What is SEO? How To Do SEO? How to become an SEO? Everybody has these question when they first heard about SEO that can boost their brand in the search engine rankings. In this article, you will get to know the basics of SEO. I’ll start from the Seed, or you can say The Beginning. I’ll make this post as simpler as possible. Further, for your better understanding, I’ll break them into parts.   What Is SEO? Search Engine Optimization is…

  • black hat seo techniques

    6 Black Hat SEO Techniques That Kills Your Google Ranking

    If you own a website, you know how important it is to rank highly on Google. Getting a top listing comes with enormous benefits. It is one of the ways to attract organic traffic to your site. This is why you will find many individuals working extra hard to outrank their competitors by using tools such as Google SEO checker. This helps to know if you are ranking well or not. Sadly, some individuals do not want to put in the effort to see their sites rise steadily to the top. They want to take shortcuts going against search engine guidelines to achieve the results they desire. Never fall victim…

  • Copywriting Tips

    4 Copywriting Tips to Create SEO-Friendly Blog Content

    Keeping your readers engaged and increasing the visibility of your blog is not an easy job nowadays. Apart from the natural talent for writing and expressing your thoughts and ideas to raise curiosity, copywriting requires a bit more effort. What is more, competition is becoming even more severe, which makes readers easily transit from one blog to the other. This is why you will need SEO if you want to rank your content in search engines and turn your visitors into buyers. What is more, when you start blogging, one of the major lessons you need to apply is consistency and coherence. Once you have used your readers with a…

  • blogsgeek
    Blogging,  SEO

    How To Increase Your Blog Traffic? [ Long Term Strategies ]

    I have been blogging since 2014 and during these days I had learned a lot. a lot means I was really a zero in the starting. Look building a blog and posting content over that is another job but what really matters is : Is there anybody who’s reading out your content ?? You’ll realize the potential of blogging only when you’ll have a better exposure and large audience. I mean if there’s no one who’s reading your blog then what’s the benefit of your hard work? Building audience is the second most important step in blogging. I’m assuming that you are having a blog but you are not getting…

  • buy expired domains
    Blogging,  SEO

    How To Buy Expired Domains? [ Complete Guide On Expired Domains ]

    As you know very well, domain age matters a lot regarding ranking. So buying an old domain name can help you to rank higher in the search engines. So now the question arises How to buy old domain names? Right? So here comes the term Expired Domains. Probably now you’re asking “What Is An Expired Domain?” Let me tell you… An Expired Domain is a domain name which is not renewed until the last date of that particular domain’s registration date and because of that, it is expired. There are many reasons for domain expiration such as webmaster forgot to renew, they don’t want to work anymore, etc. Then, the Domain…